Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How am I going to do this?

A few miles at a time, followed by a few more.

Just home from work, I am tired and I don't feel like running. I change out of my heels and into my new running shoes.

New shoes perk you up right quick.

Already feeling better, I jog down the driveway, past my runner-landlord. Well, better pick up speed, wouldn't want to look silly. Down the hill, I pass a couple of friendly neighbors, and will pass more before my run is over. Everyone is smiling. Everyone smiles at you when you run, as if they think you are a slightly silly person who must be humored.

The weather is nice, cooling off as the sun is going down. Finally, I feel so good. After all the stress and annoyances of the day, this feels so good. Sorry I left you, running, but I'm back now.

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