Thursday, September 4, 2008

Charles Walton Dyer, Jr. (PaPaw)

My Dad is sending me pictures of my Grandfather. I wanted to write up something about each one, but what my Dad has to say is better than what I could.

"Hi Karen, here is one of the earliest photos I have come across so far. At the time this was taken, all babies were dressed like that, you cannot tell the girls from the boys. In spite of the dress and long hair that is your grandfather and it is most likely 1918.

Charles Walton Dyer, Jr. was born October 4, 1917. He had one older brother Marion, a younger brother Edwin and his youngest sibling was a sister Louise.
He passed away on November 11, 2007 at 90 years of age."

"That is older brother Mac in the dark clothing, Charles Walton Dyer, Sr and wife Betty Carter Dyer, Papaw standing in white and younger brother Edwin seated in front with a nice smile on his little face. I am guessing it was taken 1920, before sister Mary Louise was born."

Click on that picture and check out the dress on my great grandmother! Incredible.

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