Thursday, December 4, 2008
Challenges they don't tell you about...
Friday, November 28, 2008
I Ran 16 miles today
Watch this video at before December 21st and Brooks will donate to breast cancer research. And you pay nothing. And the video is cute!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Red Baron Half-Marathon
We registered at the last minute, but still got a T-shirt. They provided gels and string cheese along the course. String cheese! That is a first. Lots of water, of course, but no Gatorade. The race is to raise money for the Spencer Crest Nature Center, and the volunteers were very enthusiastic and encouraging, so it must be a good cause.
I took a picture of the green race shirt, but I can't find the cable for the digital camera. Bummer.
Monday, September 22, 2008
LLS Fundrasing page from 9/4/08
I am running in the PF Changs Marathon as a member of T/he Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training in honor of my grandfather. That's him in the picture (guess which one's me). We are holding our Christmas presents. And wearing gloves. I don't know.
Dad's update:
"The Christmas photo on yer website: You've got the gloves on because your Granny knit those gloves for you guys as part of your Christmas gifts. I think I have seen one of those floating around the house in recent years. She also knit us hats with our names woven in the yarn. I think that was Christmas 1983*, I will have to look through the other picts until I find one with a date to make sure, Granny was often dating the photos on the back."
*corrected 9/20/08
More from my Dad and pictures of my PaPaw here.
****Want to be famous? Platinum Donors get their logo printed on my team's shirt!****
Thank you, Pajiba!
I hope the wonderful writers and readers of will accept this Laurel and Hardy handshake for donating over $500. Pajiba: scathing reviews, b*tchy people, big hearts.
Thank you for donating. YOU are a hero.
The answer to the question "how's the training going"?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Gnats in your Belfry
Let me introduce you to one of my inspirations, Manda (also known as Alabama Pink, beloved commenter at a certain bitchy movie review site) is blogging about the challenges of cancer treatment, movies, zombies, book reviews, and more. She is a really funny, smart lady. AND she is living where I grew up, small world.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Team in Training Runs are the Best Runs
This morning's run was fabulous. We started around West Onondaga Street ended up at a park near by, which was really beautiful, with a little lake and everything. I'm pretty sure it was Hiawatha Lake in Onondaga Park, but I'm not to familiar with the area. I just followed other people and tried not to get lost. Team Leader Kim was out wrangling runners so we didn't miss any chalk marks, water stops or Team In Training signs.
The weather was beautiful, too. Ending the week on a positive training note, what could be better?
Friday, September 12, 2008
PaPaw and Granny
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Love for Alaska
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Flying lessons, commentary by Dadster
"dated May 10th 1942 on back of photo, probably his Mother's handwriting
This photo was taken at the side of their house, the Roanoke airport "Woodrum Field" is at their back and would be visible in the distance if not for the big tree. Dad used to save his money and go to the airport for flying lessons as often as he could. He told me one flight took him over the house where he sighted his dad in their garden digging potatoes. He flew low and buzzed C.W. Senior and his dad threw a dirt clod at him because he knew it was him. He did love to fly."
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Picture of my PaPaw as a teen, commentary by my Dad
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Picture of my PaPaw as a child, commentary by my Dad
Training Hiccups, Winning Fat Duckets
Of course there had to be a slight hiccup or two. I tried to pull into the wrong area of the parking lot, and pulled right up to some walking paths before stopping. Two men on park benches gave me disapproving looks (the benches blocked the lot where I needed to be). Also, I looked at the wrong schedule and ran 3 miles instead of the 4 or 5 I really should have run. Oops. I will have to kick my training up a notch next week.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Rock the Purple Shirt
When people buy these shirts, part of the purchase price is donated to cancer research, which is good, and, even better, when people wear the shirts, they go out in the world as a reminder that there are people battling cancer right now, and they need your continued support. I looked around, but I couldn't find any blood cancer shirts. No ball caps with plum ribbons, no dark purple technical tank tops. And I wondered, where are our shirts?
Well, I guess we will have to wear them. And not just my Team in Training team at the P.F. Chang's® Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Marathon & 1/2 Marathon and not just the other half of my team at the Walt Disney World® Marathon, but all the Team in Training runners in races all over the country. We will rock the purple shirts for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Charles Walton Dyer, Jr. (PaPaw)
My Dad is sending me pictures of my Grandfather. I wanted to write up something about each one, but what my Dad has to say is better than what I could.
"Hi Karen, here is one of the earliest photos I have come across so far. At the time this was taken, all babies were dressed like that, you cannot tell the girls from the boys. In spite of the dress and long hair that is your grandfather and it is most likely 1918.
Charles Walton Dyer, Jr. was born October 4, 1917. He had one older brother Marion, a younger brother Edwin and his youngest sibling was a sister Louise.
He passed away on November 11, 2007 at 90 years of age."
"That is older brother Mac in the dark clothing, Charles Walton Dyer, Sr and wife Betty Carter Dyer, Papaw standing in white and younger brother Edwin seated in front with a nice smile on his little face. I am guessing it was taken 1920, before sister Mary Louise was born."
Click on that picture and check out the dress on my great grandmother! Incredible.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
How am I going to do this?
Just home from work, I am tired and I don't feel like running. I change out of my heels and into my new running shoes.
New shoes perk you up right quick.
Already feeling better, I jog down the driveway, past my runner-landlord. Well, better pick up speed, wouldn't want to look silly. Down the hill, I pass a couple of friendly neighbors, and will pass more before my run is over. Everyone is smiling. Everyone smiles at you when you run, as if they think you are a slightly silly person who must be humored.
The weather is nice, cooling off as the sun is going down. Finally, I feel so good. After all the stress and annoyances of the day, this feels so good. Sorry I left you, running, but I'm back now.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Fundraising Page post from August 26th
****Want to be famous? Platinum Donors get their logo printed on my team's shirt!****
Thank you, Pajiba!
I hope the wonderful writers and readers of will accept this Laurel and Hardy handshake for donating over $500 yesterday. Pajiba: scathing reviews, b*tchy people, big hearts.
I'm training to participate in my first marathon ever as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. I am completing this event in honor of my grandfather.
When I signed up for Team in Training, the 26.2 miles waiting for me in far-off January did not intimidate me. Want to know what did? See that thermometer over there? $3,800 is so much money. After initial misgivings (ok, icy fear ran through my body, I am not going to lie), I am resolved to meet that goal.
The little thermometer is moving y'all!
Thank you for donating. YOU are a hero.
~*~*~Will Run for Coffee~*~*~
Fundraising Page post from August 8th
Thank you, Pajiba!
I'm training to participate in my first marathon ever as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. I am completing this event in honor of my grandfather.
When I signed up for Team in Training, the 26.2 miles waiting for me in far-off January did not intimidate me. Want to know what did? See that thermometer over there? $3,800 is so much money. After initial misgivings (ok, icy fear ran through my body, I am not going to lie), I am resolved to meet that goal.
With the fear still gripping me, I sent out my first solicitation e-mail, to a website I visit daily. To my great delight, the immediate reply was, "yes, we will make it work" and even a thank you (more on this great philanthropist later, check back!) The tears were pouring from my eyes as I read the e-mail, that is a given, right?
Well, that encouragement was all it took. The fundraising fear has left me. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is such a worthy cause, guys. I love to run, and I have run in smaller races in the past, donated those $20 entrance fees that go to various charities, raised maybe $100 for that one breast cancer walk. Team in Training is not messing around y'all - $3,800 is a lot of money. Think of the good that chunk of change is going to do for cancer research.
Thank you for donating. YOU are a hero.